the Traditional
Outplacement Model
Here at Cairn, we have a very clear purpose: to provide transition support that makes a tangible difference during a period of career disruption and dislocation.
Bespoke and Targeted
Aimed at mid-career senior executives, we support our participants beyond simply securing the next role. Our personalised approach focuses not just on the next chapter of our participant's careers but is geared to guide them to achieve their long-term career objectives.
Coaching Excellence
Not only do we focus on providing appropriate and relevant support as our participants deal with the disruption associated with transition, the objective of our program focuses on allowing participants to flourish in all they go on to achieve in their future roles.

Managing Positive Sentiment
Through providing your highly valued and respected people with a transition program which aligns with them going on to achieve their long-term career goals, Cairn aims to ensure your senior talent leaves your organisation feeling valued and appreciated through your having ensured a transition solution that truly makes a difference.